What Happened At Desert Ridge Market Today?

Wednesday 6th of July 2022, the police arrived at the Desert Ridge marketplace, because they got multiple calls from the civilians near the area saying that they heard gunshots and loud bans which indicated that a shooting was ongoing in the region. Around 6 m the police got the calls from the mall near Tatum Boulevard and the Loop 101 Pima freeway. When the police arrived they did not find any evidence of the shooting, shooter, or any kind of proof that could say that there was a shooting ongoing. There were no victims no gunshots or any sort of evidence that could say that a firearm was discharged. After a vigorous search, the police came to a conclusion.

Desert Ridge Market Shooting Incident Explained

When the police arrived they put a lockdown over the area and asked everyone to stay in their place. While the investigation and the search were held the police came to a conclusion that there was a large group of teenagers who were roaming around at that time of the shooting was heard and there was a dispute among the teenagers and one of them took out a device from which a loud bang sound came out and a cloud of white smoke as well evolved. People in the mall thought that there was a shooting ongoing inside the mall and they called upon the police. Though everything was cleared lastly and the police opened the lockdown after investigations.

Why Desert Ridge Market Is Put On Lockdown?

A shop owner, Sam Marteney said that she heard a loud bang when the incident happened and when the bang was heard a woman was outside the store and she was with two kids in her hand. When the loud noise was heard the mother of two entered the shop while she hold each kid in one hand. When the mother came inside Sam said that she closed the door. Sam said that she felt really happy that no one was hurt. she said seeing someone a mother especially running to save her children’s life was really threatening and painful in the heart. Although the shooting was just a false alarm. The havoc created was just painful as people rushed to save their lives. However, around 6:45 pm the shops were opened again and people were safe to walk at the mall.


DETAILS  What Happened At Desert Ridge Market Today  Why It Is Put On Lockdown  Who Is The Suspect  - 12DETAILS  What Happened At Desert Ridge Market Today  Why It Is Put On Lockdown  Who Is The Suspect  - 75DETAILS  What Happened At Desert Ridge Market Today  Why It Is Put On Lockdown  Who Is The Suspect  - 10DETAILS  What Happened At Desert Ridge Market Today  Why It Is Put On Lockdown  Who Is The Suspect  - 66