Shooting At Smith Haven Mall Today

As per the reports, a report of shooting has been registered by the police, Police have reported that they got multiple calls and there were many people calling from the same place saying that the shooting has occurred. This occurred at the Smith heaven mall in Lake Grove, New York, and multiple calls reported eh shooting. After the reports were published people started rushing to save themselves. Police added that as soon as they received the calls they rushed to the place with several police forces and also many law enforcements as well in order to help the people stuck in the place. But the scene was something else.

What Happened At Smith Haven Mall Today?

Police have revealed that although many people have reported that there was a shooting ongoing and also there was a shooter as well inside the mall, there isn’t any report of a shooting, and police are searching for the shooter. It was also reported by the police there isn’t any report of any one victim reinjured as well, as they found no one with any injured. Although people think that there is a shooting ongoing and people were afraid the police added that as they were investigating this case, no one should come near the premises so that the public remains in a safe place. Apart from that, there was heavy patrolling and police vans seen near the area.

Who Is The Suspect?

Police have also added that people searched for safer places as they thought that there was a shoot ongoing and that they sought refuge in the stores inside the mall. After police arrived and they cleared that there is no shooter inside the mall, the short lockdown was lifted and many people who hid inside the shops came out. There were many families and also many people of various age groups inside the mall. After the police came in they recused all of them before coming to any conclusion after which they thoroughly investigated and stated that there is no victim, no shooter or any shooting sign that might have occurred in the mall which states that there might be some misunderstanding to which police will investigate. This mall stand on an area that is 1,3202,412 square feet and man building of it is about 800,000 square feet containing about 119 stores in it and restaurants included in it. This mall is open since 1995 and is maintained by Simon property group. This mall is one of the most significant malls in the USA and the New York premises as well. Further information about the shooting is yet to be clarified by the police as they might be investigating the mall.


Shooting At Smith Haven Mall Today  What Happened At Smith Haven Mall in Lake Grove Today  Suspect Name  - 84Shooting At Smith Haven Mall Today  What Happened At Smith Haven Mall in Lake Grove Today  Suspect Name  - 24Shooting At Smith Haven Mall Today  What Happened At Smith Haven Mall in Lake Grove Today  Suspect Name  - 80